Q: "btw, anyone know if each of the selinux booleans are documented in detail somewhere?"
A: two levels of detail here:
1. semanage boolean -l | grep httpd_enable_homedirs
A written description (usually not very detailed) for the "httpd_enable_homedirs" boolean.
2. sesearch --allow -SC -T | grep httpd_enable_homedirs
All the "allow" type statement rules and type transition rules related to the "httpd_enable_homedirs" boolean. Very detailed but hard to interpret.
Linux Security Summit 2023 Videos & Slides
Videos and slides from the 2023 Linux Security summits may be found here:
Linux Security Summit North America (LSS-NA), May 10-12 2023, Vancouver,
Canada. ...
1 jaar geleden
Nice. I need that.