basically i figured out about three scenarios so far:
1: The basics.
Pulseaudio is running normally, and the pulseaudio client needs to make some sound i guess
# manage a pulse-shm file in /dev/shm
manage_files_pattern($1, $2_tmpfs_t, $2_tmpfs_t)
fs_tmpfs_filetrans($1_t, $2_tmpfs_t, file)
# allow the user of the app to manage and relabel that file as well
allow $3 $2_tmpfs_t:file { relabel_file_perms manage_file_perms };
# 1. This add an attribute to the pulse client process so that i can allow each pulse client progress to signull any other pulse client process
# 2, This also adds an attribute to the pulse client tmpfs file so that i can allow each pulse client to read write and delete any others pulse client tmpfs file.
gnome_pulseaudio_client($1, $2)
# read write pulseaudio files in ~/pulse (a directory that is actually owned by gnome settings daemon)
# read gnome settings daemon home content for example some symlink in ~/.pulse to a pulseaudio sock file
# connect to pulseaudio with a unix stream socket
gnome_stream_connect_gsettingsd_pulseaudio($1, $2)
# search /tmp/pulse-*
# set attributes of ~/.pulse directory
# manage /.cache sound-event-cache files.
2: The not so basics.
These pulse client seem to be required to be able to (re) start the main pulseaudio process as well in some particular cases)
# domain transition to the gnome settingsd daemon pulseaudio domain when pulseaudio is executed.
gnome_spec_domtrans_gsettingsd_pulseaudio($1, $2)
3: When pulseaudio is not running.
When you kill pulseaudio and run a pulseaudio client app. It, i guess, expects some pulse audio network functionality because pulse is not running on the local system.
# the pulse client is trying to find pulseaudio on the network i guess...
allow $1 self:netlink_route_socket r_netlink_socket_perms;
allow $1 self:tcp_socket create_socket_perms;
allow $1 self:unix_dgram_socket sendto;
# if that isnt enough, the pulseaudio client wants to be a dbus system bus client. Dont ask me why but
its probably looking for pulseaudio run as a dbus system domain or init daemon.
..Heck it may even need more like maybe sysnet_read_config, i have not been able to confirm this yet.
The amount of access(policy) a simple gui application needs to be able to spit out a sound with pulseaudio is simply amazing.
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